Your Town

The Niantic River Watershed Protection Plan recommends that we  encourage and support municipal approaches to land-use planning, development reviews, and site inspections that protect watershed resources.  Make sure you know what your town has planned (i.e. Plan of Conservation and Development) and GET INVOLVED.

You can view each town’s Plan of Conservation and Development by going to their websites listed below (note that the towns revamp their POCD every ten years including this year!):

Town of East Lyme POCD

Town of Waterford POCD (Part 1),   POCD (Part 2)

Town of Salem POCD, Open Space Plan

Town of Montville POCD

The only way to make sure things change in your neighborhood, town, region, etc. is if you act and let your town know your concerns.  Be proactive and become familiar with your town’s Plans!